Under A Serpent Sun

by At The Gates

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:57 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Slaughter Of The Soul

Song Author

Tomas "Tompa" Lindberg

Tabbed by



1st → Lead Guitar
2nd → Fills, Clean Part
3rd → Rhythm Guitar
4th → Drumsginstrumente - Auswahl
5th → Bass 3

File Size

87 KB




This tab is focused on the guitars. It's very difficult to get the BASS by ear, so I tabbed a combination of what I heard and what would fit. If you want to play this song in a band using this tab, it will definitely sound good with this bass line. The DRUMS are very basic. I tried to put everything in I got by ear, which was sometimes difficult especially during the fills. Drummers should be able to do better, so maybe they can take this as a basis and add things I did not notice. The GUITARS should be at least 98% correct. The only bar, where I am not sure about the notes is 40 + 44 because the record is very distorted there. Nevertheless, I think that it is correct. Everything else is tabbed how they play it on the record, 100%. If you want to play this with a friend on the basis of this tab, you have to leave one guitar out where there are the 3 of them at the same time. At 22 - 25 you have to play the chords. So one of you should do the rhythm and the other one should be a bit more quiet with less distortion and play them. At 77 - 92 I recommend to leave out the harmonizing tones by Guitar 3 because only the basic lead line and the rhythm are important. At 118/119, the distorted sound that comes in must be really crushing but it can be realized with only one guitar.